Dental Care For All Ages

Basic dental care entails proper brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, visits to your dentist or dental hygienist for regular examinations and oral prophylaxis, and maintaining a mouth-healthy diet, which includes fruits and vegetables, foods high in whole grains, and dairy products.

Practicing basic dental care is essential to your oral health because :

  • it prevents tooth decay
  • it prevents periodontal or gum problems, which damage gum tissue and bones that clasp teeth, which may ultimately lead to the loss of teeth
  • prevents the necessity for more frequent trips to the dentist and dental hygienist
  • saves money by reducing the need for fillings and other expensive treatments
  • prevents halitosis or bad breath due to the fact that brushing and flossing rid your mouth of bad breath causing bacteria
  • keeps teeth healthy and white by preventing staining caused by the consumption of food, drinks, and tobacco
  • improves overall well-being and health
  • enables you to have teeth that would last a lifetime

To keep your teeth and gums healthy and strong maintain good nutrition and make regular brushing and flossing a habit.

Brush your teeth two times a day, in the morning and before bed, and floss once a day. This ensures the removal of plaque, which leads to damaged teeth, gums, and surrounding bone structures.

A toothpaste that contains fluoride helps prevent tooth decay and cavities. A mouthwash that contains fluoride or any ingredients that fight plaque would also be advantageous.

As much as possible, avoid foods that contain a lot of sugar which tremendously helps plaque grow. Avoid the use of tobacco and other tobacco products, which are known to cause gum disease and oral cancer.

Another habit to cultivate is tongue cleaning. You may  use a tongue cleaner or a soft-bristle toothbrush, brushing in a back-to-front direction. Tongue cleaning is especially essential for people who use tobacco products or whose tongues are coated or deeply grooved.

Go for regular dental care orange appointments with your dentist or dental hygienist.

Even children would benefit from seeing a dental health professional as early as 6 months of age. The dental health professional should assess the probability of your child having future dental problems. If they think your child will have future dental problems, make sure to let your child sees a dentist or dental hygienist before their first birthday or six months after the first primary teeth appear, whichever comes first. After the first visit, schedule regular appointments every 6 months or as your dentist or hygienist recommends.

Dental professionals recommend that a  child’s visits to a dentist or hygienist commence within six months after the first teeth appear or at twelve months of age, whichever comes first.

It is always best to be preventive rather than treat a health problem that may or may not be reversible.

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