The Pelvic Floor Exercise should be maintained by Most Women

Exercise for the muscles of the pelvic floor is something that all women should practice immediately after the birth of the baby, regardless of whether the birth is vaginal .During pregnancy and childbirth, the pelvic floor muscles face serious problems. They support the baby and internal organs such as the intestines and bladder throughout pregnancy, and then stretch when they stretch to allow the baby to go through, which can lead to damage, bruising and weakening of the area.

Because of this, muscles cannot function as efficiently.

This can lead to stress urinary incontinence, decreased sensitivity during intercourse, and possible prolapse in the future. Women suffering from stress incontinence can lose a small amount of urine when they cough, sneeze, laugh or exercise with any kind of exposure.

It is estimated that up to 25 percent of new mothers suffer from stress urinary incontinence. Pelvic floor exercises strengthen these muscles so that they can properly perform their functions. The more you strengthen and train them, the stronger they will become.

The good thing about pelvic floor exercises is that they can be performed anytime, anywhere. You do not sweat and do not suffocate, making them, they are not physically tired and can be done in any position, standing, sitting or lying down. You can even train your pelvic floor muscles by performing a variety of daily activities, such as washing, driving, or ironing.

 Pelvic Floor Exercise should be maintained by Most Women

However, it is rather difficult to focus these exercises specifically. They are not exciting, they will not give you the buzz that ordinary exercises give you, and most women simply stop trying long before the real effect is achieved.

There are two different types of exercises that you can do. The first, sometimes called “slow pins,” enhances muscle resistance and increases the time that can keep them consciously tense. Secondly, “fast pins” improve how fast you can tighten your muscles. This is useful in situations where you can laugh, cough, or sneeze.

Pelvic physiotherapy Toronto should be performed regularly so you can see some great benefits. Think of some daily activation points as reminders for doing exercises, so don’t forget to follow them, for example, every time a kettle boils talks on the phone or, for example, when you wait at a traffic light.


Be consistent with exercises for the muscles of the pelvic floor, sometimes the benefits will be noticeable, but if you are persistent, then the relatively small effort that you make is worth the time that you will spend on them.

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