Elucidation of Concept of Online Classifieds

Meaning of online classifieds

Online classifieds is one the leading industries in the field of advertisements and marketing. It is cost effective mechanism of connecting a small, growing or underdeveloped businesses and other economic activities with its customers. It is therefore easiest, cheapest and most convenient way to growing up the business within the budget lines. In the recent few years, the evolution and common hand use of internet and technology various websites and social media networking sites such as Facebook, twitter and Instagram have promoted online classifieds to cover up the huge share in the world of promotions and advertisements.

Benefits of Online Classifieds

Benefits of Online Classifieds:

In the modern day world of bottle neck competition in every sphere of activities, the main advantages of using online classifieds are as follows:

  1. Massive reach: With the use of technology and internet, online classified ads can be made reach to large number of customers irrespective of geographical boundaries and thus the chances of being visualized and recognized increase.
  2. Time and cost effective: Online classifieds post ads via internet thus leading to reduced cost incurred on advertisements and helps in saving time as well.
  3. Feedback and Two-way communication: after the information has reached the desired end, the interested candidates may approach via contact information availed to them. Hence it is a two way communication with continuous feedback responses.
  4. Improvement oriented: It has been considered that traditional ways of classifieds lead to limited reach and improvement whereas online classifieds have witnessed massive growth in sales within shortest term of time period.

Limitations of Online Classifieds:

As said every rose comes with thorns. Similar are online classifieds. Despite its benefits here are certain limitations of using online classifieds:

  1. Online classifieds may vanish from the sites on which they are displayed after the expiry of prescribed time period.
  2. The advertisements have to be posted regularly to make it noticeable by people repeatedly and provoke them to respond in its favour.
  3. Apart certain sites chosen for displaying online classifieds may not be trustworthy and reliable.

Thus, online classifieds is a promotional tool with various benefits at one stop.

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